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sensation of movement中文是什么意思

用"sensation of movement"造句"sensation of movement"怎么读"sensation of movement" in a sentence


  • 运动感觉


  • The image of the plastic arts is static , but it often breaks the static limitation and displays the sensation of movement
  • In the art history , people have created a lot of techniques of expression to show the sensation of movement in the static image
  • Patients will feel in a sudden sensation of movement or spinning in the cases of the genuine vertigo the pseudo vertigo will affect balance and the patient fells dizzy when standing
  • It is very important to pursue the sensation of movement in the plastic arts , and it displays the abundance of the objective world , meets the aesthetic psychology of people and tackles the inevitable request of art challenge
  • The mountains and rivers and blue sky are monochromatic , the splash splashing gives somebody cool purpose , the musical sound and sensation of movement that and does not cry out , like a interesting light music , give somebody limitless reverie
  • Cover an area of more than 50 mu , the main building of hotels is up to 8 storeys , floor area is about 28000 square meters , form a complete set at the garden type parking areas of nearly ten thousand square meters , the fountain of large - scale sensation of movement , the environment is graceful
  • We are likely to begin with subject and setoff , figure and sensation of movement , apace and entity , style of photography works these aspects to display application in falseness and truth , concealment and revelation this opposite and untied relation , thus making the pictures feel sense of movement , spatial sense and promulgating the relevant subject more profoundly
  • This product adopts the newest hair care to fill a prescription , include ppt high energy water raise factor , silk albumen factor , hair softener , etc . perm newest raw materials balanced the sour alkali the auxiliary physiotherapy to various kinds of hair quality , balance hair organize , remove daily damaged hair , make frank hair for arrange to slip like the gentle silk , and too lasting to rebound , the sensation of movement of model is elegant
用"sensation of movement"造句  


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